Vets, Tow Trucks, Busted Wheels and Emergency Funds

Adam My Life, Personal Finance

Well it’s been a rough month on the budget. The frugalmobile has over 150k on the odometer, over 30 MPG, and it’s ugly as can be. Unfortunately, it’s decided to fall apart. Problems abound and even with our extremely helpful and honest local mechanic, we were out $700 to fix the old sucker. Hopefully that’s the last repair bill and the faithful …

My new Resource Page is Live!

Adam Investing, Personal Finance

I’m going to keep it short, but I wanted to make sure the people following on RSS see the new content added to the Resource Page. I’ve spent many hours putting together as complete a list as possible of the best of all the best tools for frugal badassity, investing, expense tracking, travel and more. Not everything has a review …

Liebster Award

Adam My Life, Personal Finance, Random

I was honored to be nominated for a Liebster Award from my friend GenYFinanceGuy. I’ll admit I did not know what this was when I first saw it. A bit of googling, showed it’s a pretty cool way to spread the love around the net for new blogs that the nominator finds value in. What are the rules? Share 11 facts …


Adam Personal Finance, Random

I’m a last minute tax guy, so this post is probably late, but I thought I would share a review of the software I use for taxes. I know Turbotax (affiliate link) has had a tough PR year and certainly didn’t do themselves any favors. Not clearly spelling out the price increase for anyone with more complicated taxes, prior to them completely …

My New 401k and Strategy

Adam Investing, My Life, Personal Finance

I haven’t talked about it much on the blog, but I recently made a career move and jumped ship to a new E&P. If you want the details you can easily look me up on linkedin. Hopefully it turns out to be a good move for my career. In the meantime, I thought I could talk a bit about what …